Saturday, September 16 at 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT
We are pleased to announce the Fr Shannon Collins And fr Sean Kopczynski will be having a one day mini conference here at St Anthony's.
We will begin at 9am with Traditional Latin Mass. Light Breakfast. Conference by Fr Collins. Boxed Lunch. Confession. Conference by Fr Sean. Ending with Benediction.
Cost is $20 pre sale and $25 at the door. Cost includes lunch and donation to Fr Collins grotto being built.
Children under 16 are free so bring the whole family! We will have babysitters available during the conferences and ask for donations for them.
Fr Shannon Collins to speak on Fatima...title of talk: Our Lady of Fatima: Queen of the Holy Rosary and Queen of Families...
Fr. Shannon Collins was born in 1964 and is a native of Cohasset, MA. After undergraduate and graduate work in history and education, he taught in Catholic schools for a number of years. Having completed his seminary training at St. Philip Neri Seminary in Toronto, Ontario, he was ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 2000.
He has appeared on EWTN and had previously served as chaplain for the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, Alabama. Father is currently a traditional religious priest under Bishop Roger Foys of Covington, Kentucky. He is the pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Personal Parish which acts as an ecclesial home for those attached to the Traditional Latin Mass. He is also a co-founder of the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist, a private religious association.
Fr. Sean Kopczynski, MSJB
Talk Title: The Old Mass: Treasure and Tradition
Father Sean Kopczynski, MSJB was born and raised in Montana. As a young man he pursued a career in engineering by attending undergraduate and graduate studies at Montana State and Oregon State Universities. God, however, had other plans for Fr. Sean. On August 15, 1991, while attending Mass he perceived a call to leave his worldly pursuits and sacrifice his life for Christ and His Church. After a period of study, prayer and struggling with God, he obeyed the call to abandon his engineering career and enter religious life with the Fathers of Mercy, eventually professing perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on August 15, 1996. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 2000.
Fr. Sean has served as a parish priest, a missionary, and also as a chaplain to Discalced Carmelite Nuns. Since the beginning of 2011 Fr. Sean has been working on a project of restoration in the religious life as well as the Sacred Liturgy under the direction of Bishop Roger J. Foys of Covington, KY. He is a co-founder of a Traditional Latin Mass community known as the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist. He is also the associate pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Latin Mass Parish in Park Hills, KY.
Tickets available at:
https:// unavocebuffalo.yapsody.com/ event/book/119996/486436
We will begin at 9am with Traditional Latin Mass. Light Breakfast. Conference by Fr Collins. Boxed Lunch. Confession. Conference by Fr Sean. Ending with Benediction.
Cost is $20 pre sale and $25 at the door. Cost includes lunch and donation to Fr Collins grotto being built.
Children under 16 are free so bring the whole family! We will have babysitters available during the conferences and ask for donations for them.
Fr Shannon Collins to speak on Fatima...title of talk: Our Lady of Fatima: Queen of the Holy Rosary and Queen of Families...
Fr. Shannon Collins was born in 1964 and is a native of Cohasset, MA. After undergraduate and graduate work in history and education, he taught in Catholic schools for a number of years. Having completed his seminary training at St. Philip Neri Seminary in Toronto, Ontario, he was ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 2000.
He has appeared on EWTN and had previously served as chaplain for the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, Alabama. Father is currently a traditional religious priest under Bishop Roger Foys of Covington, Kentucky. He is the pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Personal Parish which acts as an ecclesial home for those attached to the Traditional Latin Mass. He is also a co-founder of the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist, a private religious association.
Fr. Sean Kopczynski, MSJB
Talk Title: The Old Mass: Treasure and Tradition
Father Sean Kopczynski, MSJB was born and raised in Montana. As a young man he pursued a career in engineering by attending undergraduate and graduate studies at Montana State and Oregon State Universities. God, however, had other plans for Fr. Sean. On August 15, 1991, while attending Mass he perceived a call to leave his worldly pursuits and sacrifice his life for Christ and His Church. After a period of study, prayer and struggling with God, he obeyed the call to abandon his engineering career and enter religious life with the Fathers of Mercy, eventually professing perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on August 15, 1996. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 2000.
Fr. Sean has served as a parish priest, a missionary, and also as a chaplain to Discalced Carmelite Nuns. Since the beginning of 2011 Fr. Sean has been working on a project of restoration in the religious life as well as the Sacred Liturgy under the direction of Bishop Roger J. Foys of Covington, KY. He is a co-founder of a Traditional Latin Mass community known as the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist. He is also the associate pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Latin Mass Parish in Park Hills, KY.
Tickets available at: