The Reverend Robert Reddy of the Archdiocese of Toronto has passed away. He was in residence at St. Mary's in Barrie and was formerly the pastor at Holy Family in Whitby, St. Andrew's Church in Brechin and at St. Mary Immaculate in Richmond Hill, Ontario which is where I came to know him. Father Reddy was a great priest, faithful, kind and doctrinally sound. While not offering the traditional Mass himself, he was a friend of tradition in every way. He welcomed the traditional Mass at St. Mary Immaculate by his Associate Pastor and never turned down a request by the Toronto Traditional Mass Society - Una Voce Toronto - for the use of the church for Feast Day Masses.
I will miss him.
Please remember Father Reddy in your prayers at Mass today in whatever way It takes place.
O GOD, Thou didst raise Thy servant, Robert,
to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ,
according to the Order of Melchisedech,
giving him the sublime power
to offer the Eternal Sacrifice,
to bring the Body and Blood of Thy Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar,
and to absolve the sins of men in Thine own Holy Name.
We beseech Thee to reward his faithfulness
and to forget his faults,
admitting him speedily into Thy Holy Presence,
there to enjoy forever the recompense of his labours.
This we ask through Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord.

Please be advised that I am very sorry to learn of the sad news that Father Bob Reddy passed away on 16/05/2020 at this Pandemic ( the Covid -19 ) time.
ReplyDeleteI send my condolences to his family members as well as all who Love him.
Happy are those who have died in the Lord.
Let them rest from their labour, for their good deeds go with them.
-Revelation 14.13
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine on him. May he rest in Peace. May his soul and the souls of the all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
I will be Praying for him and family members as well as all who Love him.
A good friend and great priest, may God grant him eternal rest. Una voce Buffalo & Pro Multis Catholic Book Store.
ReplyDeleteHe did not pass from COVID.
ReplyDeleteThose who had the privilege of knowing Father Reddy will attest to the fact he was a faithful servant of God; i know his time as pastor at St. Mary Immaculate helped make me a better Catholic.
ReplyDeleteI just learned minutes ago of the death of Rev. Reddy. I had the good fortune of having him as my pastor many years ago in Whitby, where he baptised my eldest daughter. Requiscat in pacem.