For your assurance, I have personally communicated with his religious superior and his seminary to validate that this is a legitimate need.
You have been wonderful. When I first posted, the amount donated was only $60.00 (U.S funds). As of this writing, the amount is $3,053.00! Our dollars go a lot further in India but a little more is needed to finish the house. By the end of July, $2,000.00 more is needed and Deacon hopes to raise a total of $8,000.00.
There is also another matter that has slowed down the funds. PayPal, which is one of the three services to receive funds through YouCaring, is not providing any further services in India due to regulatory issues or lack thereof and banking concerns as reported by ZDNet. This has caused donations to stop and has become a great worry to Deacon Joseph.
The good news is that a solution has been found.
The Toronto Traditional Mass Society - UNA VOCE TORONTO, has partnered with Deacon Joseph to be the recipient of your donations. The Society is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency and is Chapter of Canada's longest standing member of Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce. The TTMS will receive the funds which you donate to Deacon Joseph at YouCaring from PayPal directly to its Toronto bank account. These funds (100% after the PayPal fee) will then be wired directly to Deacon Joseph's bank account in India. If you are in Canada and you wish to make a direct donation to the Society's seminarian program, you can do so and receive a charitable tax receipt. A grant in the equivalent amount will be made by the Society to Deacon Joseph. For more information on making a direct contribution, you may write to unavocetoronto@gmail.com.
But there is even better news.
A reader and commenter at this blog, The Anonymous Flower, has come forward and has pledged to provide matching contributions dollar for dollar for everything over the $4,000.00 mark! Dollar for dollar. How wonderful!
I know that there is considerable donor fatigue out there but the overall amount needed here is not great. You have been terrific, notwithstanding.
Can we do a little more and push this not only over the $4000.00 where Anonymous Flower has offered to match but all the way to the amount to finish the house and secure his ordination?
Deacon writes, "Please provide my loving regards and prayers to everyone. I don't know how to thank you all. Our dream of home will come true soon."
Know that Deacon Joseph and his family keep his benefactors in their prayers.