Dear Friends,
The Sacred Triduum was a tremendous undertaking. The last two years, we were able to organise it at the Carmel of the Infant Jesus in Zephyr. While the good Sisters did much of the preparatory work, it was a great distance.
This year, thanks to the graciousness of the Rector of St. Augustine's Seminary and Chancellor of the
Archdiocese of Toronto, we were able to use the second chapel in the former School of Philosophy at St. Augustine's Seminary, a chapel now part of the school board's, Blessed Cardinal Newman Catholic High School.
We were very honoured prior to Mass on Holy Thursday when Thomas Cardinal Collins who celebrated the Mass at the Seminary and properly washed the feet of his seminarians, dropped by to greet all and we were able to thank him personally for his support.
To the three priests who worked hard to learn the complexities of the solemn Triduum liturgies, we are grateful. Thanks also go to the Master of Ceremonies and the Assistants and those who came to serve, to those who joined in the Schola.
To the hundreds who came, thank you. Thank you also for your generosity. We were able to cover our expenses for the school board Permit, Insurance, Staff costs for two Caretakers and the liturgical needs. We have a small surplus which shall be put towards additional liturgical items for next year.
God bless and a blessed Eastertide to one and all.